Sunday 20 November 2011

Postmodernism style and subversion 1970-1990 : Maternitiy dress

This image is a maternity dress designed by Jean-Paul Goude and Antonio Lopez. It is one of the things i saw at the Postmodernism exhibition at the V&A. It has a very geometric appearance that is similar to what i had created with rules based on geometry.

 Here is the head piece for the garment; it looks as if it has been created with the application of rules including the addition of triangles.

04-10-11 Lesson 3 - Rule Based Design Scaled Up

 As further development of the rule based exercise from the previous session, we experimented with applying the same rules to paper on a larger scale, developing a structure onto the mannequin.

 After applying the first rule "add a square" to the triangle, I attempted to form the most basic of my shapes to the mannequin. Here is what I came up with:

I thought that the forms I created above were too basic and decided to try out one of the more complex shapes.
At first I had difficulty forming a structure with this shape and after trying out various ways of arranging it I came upon this..

  Once partnered with another student who had produced the 'rule-based developed' shape below...

 ...we were given the task of finding a way to combine our shapes into one structured arrangement on the mannequin.

After various arrangements and reapplications of our respective rules, we came upon the form below.

Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum

The Guggenheim Museum in New York is an example of a structure that incorporate curvatures  through out the design, similar to the shapes formed by the 'application of rules' exercise. It is possible to imagine areas of the curvature flattened to a two dimensional shape.

27/09/2011 Lesson 2- Rule Based Art : Paper Folding

We were all given a shape to start off with at the beginning of the class, i was given a triangle. We then gave ourselves 3 rules in order to make a sequence of 2D shapes. My rules were "add square", "remove semi circle" and "add fold", Here's what i came up with...

Stage 1 : Here are stages 1-15 of applying my rules to a triangle

With the resulting shape of each stage, i created a three dimensional structure 

I constructed the shape using tiny strips of masking tape



Haider Ackermann Fall/Winter 2010

These images are from Haider Ackermann's fall/winter 2010 collection. The 'layered' look reminds me of the cello tape patterns i had made. It appears as if his garments are made from several pattern pieces.

20/09/2011 Lesson 1 Paper modelling on the stand

The first exercise in our explore creativity class was to cover a mannequin using paper and cello tape to create a surface. Then we went on to develop patterns on the surface and rearranging them in an alternative way
stage 1 : The mannequin was initially wrapped in a sheet of paper 

  stage 2 : Some darts were created in order to fit the paper to the mannequin's shape

stage 3 : Finally the whole thing was wrapped in cello tape

 stage 4: Pattern shapes were drawn on the surface and cut out into pieces. These patterns were transferred onto spot and cross paper and given seam allowance.

 stage 5: The pattern pieces were then rearranged on the mannequin.

We also experimented with adding the original remaining pattern pieces to see what form could be achieved