Sunday 20 November 2011

04-10-11 Lesson 3 - Rule Based Design Scaled Up

 As further development of the rule based exercise from the previous session, we experimented with applying the same rules to paper on a larger scale, developing a structure onto the mannequin.

 After applying the first rule "add a square" to the triangle, I attempted to form the most basic of my shapes to the mannequin. Here is what I came up with:

I thought that the forms I created above were too basic and decided to try out one of the more complex shapes.
At first I had difficulty forming a structure with this shape and after trying out various ways of arranging it I came upon this..

  Once partnered with another student who had produced the 'rule-based developed' shape below...

 ...we were given the task of finding a way to combine our shapes into one structured arrangement on the mannequin.

After various arrangements and reapplications of our respective rules, we came upon the form below.

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