Sunday 20 November 2011

20/09/2011 Lesson 1 Paper modelling on the stand

The first exercise in our explore creativity class was to cover a mannequin using paper and cello tape to create a surface. Then we went on to develop patterns on the surface and rearranging them in an alternative way
stage 1 : The mannequin was initially wrapped in a sheet of paper 

  stage 2 : Some darts were created in order to fit the paper to the mannequin's shape

stage 3 : Finally the whole thing was wrapped in cello tape

 stage 4: Pattern shapes were drawn on the surface and cut out into pieces. These patterns were transferred onto spot and cross paper and given seam allowance.

 stage 5: The pattern pieces were then rearranged on the mannequin.

We also experimented with adding the original remaining pattern pieces to see what form could be achieved

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