Tuesday 6 December 2011


The Pleating Session was by far my favorite of all the lessons for this module so far, 
i love the way you can fold the fabric between the paper/card and not know exactly what to expect once its been pressed. We had a guest lecturer today from F CIMENT (pleating)LTD and below are just a few examples of the amazing pleats...


After seeing these wonderful pleats i was inspired to try a few of my own, here they are below..

  simple knife pleats

Box pleats (Side and top view)

After making a few of the easier templates for pleats i decided to challenge myself and try one a little more difficult..

Above is what you could call the net for the pleats
 Here is the outcome after folding

After doing the section above i scaled it down and added a few more rows to make pleats with more surface space.

Scoring all the pleated lines

 The finished outcome

I then went on to do this.. 
 From the net..

To scoring all the lines ..

 Half way through folding the pleats into place i came up with this, it reminds me of an old Victorian skirt.

 And then finally the finished pleats, i was really pleased with these.

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